If I can be me I perform better at work and in society, I would be more focused at work and I would be more involved in local projects. Yes I know if you transition that sentence is negated but most of us don't do that.
My being me and like this, and being allowed to be me, takes a huge pressure of our medical services because I am not stressed out or suffering from a mental illness associated with not being able to be the person I am the money saved in doctors time and medication is huge. But still some parts of society dislike us, some governments or people who govern, religion or the heads of such who then tell the sheep what to think and do, and parents who fear little Johnny could end up being Tracy or Tracy sees herself as Johnny. Lets face it we are classed as not real men, how can we be? after all we look like this (not that I am or want to be a real man) and as such we are viewed as not a masculine threat. OK its not all people, and most probably while a majority dont agree with our kind or those in other segments of society they do tolerate us. I've often wondered why people are so frightened off us, why do they fear we are going to tear apart the very fabric of our society.